I took my son and my wife which wasn't the hottest idea, due to the lack of seating (none) and it being held inside a working brewery. Oh, the smell of Hops. After seeing cycling friends and a few state champions, (maybe one day) it was time to split as 8pm is close to bedtime.
Falling asleep, I thought back to my first bike (Cannondale Jekyll circa 2004)

Those were the days. Back when 300 feet of elevation gain was "Huge!", especially if I didn't have to get off and push!
Last night I recieved confirmation that my best friend was moving from California to Castle Rock. He has a daughter the same age as Jack, and he is a great bike mechanic. Now don't get me wrong, I love having someone near that actually knew me when I was a tyke, (and many other things during my teens that I choose not to discuss just yet) (This is after all, a family blog!), but having a bike mechanic that I trust a couple blocks away, will be much better for minor stuff than driving an hour to boulder to visit the shop.

Now Dwayne, (the great mechanic), and Brandon, (top notch pro and owner)

always treat me awesome, and have bailed me out many times with guidance and info for everything bikes. I can still rely on my bikes running smooth every time I leave the shop. I had almost got to the point where I could change a tire, but why? If Mark is around in November, I won't have to bug the shop guys at the cross races to put air in my tire!
(just kidding, I can air up my own tires, see below)

Once again, another beautiful day in Castle Rock, Jack and I will be testing the pinewood derby car before the race next week. Most likely will be on the trainer downstairs, eating right and staying fit, (ha, Basil Docs pizza last night), all the while dreaming of a new single speed, and going over every bump of last years courses to see how I can make up seconds, and maybe, just maybe, finish on the podium.
Awwwwwww Yeaaaaaaah!